Three weeks ago we posted a benchmark update with Nvidia GPUs. Meanwhile we had AMD sending us a flagship Threadripper system – 32 threads, 64 GB memory, onboard SSD.
The image below shows the latest numbers, updated from our test lab today. Click on the link under the image for a live website where you can inspect the numbers more closely (and you can turn on/off gpu or cpu tests).
If you only compare CPUs in the graph, the Threadripper is the fastest in our lab!
We now also include a 6th render test, an interior scene using branched path tracing (Barbershop). Download it here.
– All tests done in Linux
– Nvidia tests are with CUDA 8 (as release)
– Threadripper rendering needed a threading fix, get the latest build at
– Note that CPU and GPU prices in the test differ wildly, from 500 to 8000 USD.
I hope amd optimize more the vega frontier. Still impressive from 1:50 min 2.7 to 1:29min 2.8 (bmw bench). But it should be faster than a 1080ti
Hi, I think that the performance in viewport is more important than the GPU rendering.
I am engaged in architectural visualization and complex scenes
such as for example: several areas 2x2km with particle trees, particle peoples, cars… e.t.c.
GPU has always says out of memory (it is too complex scene for gpu rendering).
Over the past 20 years, we are used to such tasks
wait for 1-5 hours for the finished image (static render)
And we are much more concerned about the issue
associated with the actual work on the scene rather than the issue of rendering a scene
(because at the moment of rendering we all go to drink coffee).
Perhaps I have the most inappropriate machine to work with a blender is “MacPro” in maximum configuration.
And he is good only because he has “12 core intel xeon”.
Ton! I think you will understand me because you yourself bought in due time “silicon graphics”.
In resellers store the МacPro shop cost about 17k$ in 2015. And about 10K$ in official apple store.
Imagine how worried users for the performance of this Mac (Of course this is not your problem :))
In addition, even the AMD renderer does not seem to support his series of FirePro, but if they work, blender cycles runs many times faster.
And of course we would prefer to quietly do 3d modeling and then go to drink coffee.
I think the out of memory for the GPU rendering (in complex scene) is a problem for all cards, from both the Nvidia and the Amd.
So the GPU rendering for such scenes is irrelevant.
Therefore, the viewport perfomance is more important to us.
And of course, thank you for your product and your desire to support and promote it.
Threadripper 1950x here, I got better results: 06:44.41 . My config:
Cpu: 4Ghz overclocked (1.35 v core, 1.2 v SOC )
Mem: 3200 trident 8Gx4
Memory interlaving: channel (numa enabled)
OS: Fedora LXDE (performance governor)
Hi all,
what about the AMD Pro 500 series that comes inside the 2017 iMac 27″?
I own the 575 and experiencing a lot of speed problems rendering with Cycles.
im using an old graphic cards. AMD Radeon HD 5000. will it be spported in blender?
I have a GTX1060 3G so the renders are slow for some scenes. But I like the card so much that I got a second one and halved the render times. Which is perfect. Card uses low wattage 65W each, meaning less heat less noise and less PSU demands than a similar single card.
u re gayropeans fuk u bitches die babies fukoffers
u re gayropeans fuk u bitches die babies fukoffers
What version of linux distro was used?
Most probably Ubuntu LTS
The new AMD cards seem to perform much better than their Nvidia equivalents. Is it because they are simply more powerful, or are they more optimized than Nvidia cards?
I don’t see “much better” really? The two recent top range comsumer cards (700-900 USD), Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti and AMD Vega 64 are performing quite similar.
It is true however that AMD supported Blender Institute to hire a developer to work on OpenCL performance for a year. That really made a difference.
Are significant optimizations for Nvidia cards planned?
I would like to see a benchmark for the viewport, a test where you can see the FPS in real time, it would help to compare the performance of the video cards for workstation (AMD Firepro and Quadro) and the game (AMD RX and Geforce).
Like the SPECapc tests.
A viewport or general UI benchmark is a good idea too. We don’t have a lot of time for it yet.
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