Code Quest Status Update

In less than 2 weeks the Blender 2.8 Code Quest will start! The organization team at Blender has been quiet, but very busy. We are talking booking flights, arranging apartments, preparing the move to the new Blender headquarters, manufacturing rockets, and more!

If you need to catch up on the campaign status, there is a write-up on Code Quest Campaign: A Success Story.

Rocket production is about to start! We are doing everything to get this beautiful gratitude token in your hands as soon as possible, and we expect this to happen around the end of April.

The first developers will arrive this week end, and the rest will follow during the next week. The plenary session on the 9th of April will be the official kickoff for the Code Quest!

Keep up with the news on:

Get your rocket!

The Blender 2.8 Code Quest rocket is still available at a discounted price. A total of 3200 rockets are being sold, and less than 400 are left. Get your own rocket now: the discount will be over at the end of the month!

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  1. Wow blender the best, blender power full

  2. This is amazing !!!. I would like to kindly ask, please support Korean language in open menu window in 2.8 !! I cannot see the file name which is made in Korea language. I can see only boxes.

  3. WOW Amjazing Feature I Love Blender. This Is A Really Good Software.

  4. 3.0 will need bigger rockets and a new HQ on BeetleJuice 5 !

  5. Wow! This is an exciting time for Blender! I can’t wait to see where Blender is going to go in the future! Keep up the great works Blender devs!

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