Code Quest Kick-off

The Blender 2.8 Code Quest has begun!

Monday was the official kick-off, but setting up and moving already happened the week before. Check out this album by Bastien Montagne showing a happy team of developers moving chairs and assembling desks.

Blender Studio 2018

The new Blender Studio in Amsterdam Noord

And don’t miss this mid-week video log showing a bit of the new studio and initial meetings.


More documentation and planning will be published soon. Also expect a lot more action happening over at the Blender Developers YouTube channel and other social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

That’s it for now, more soon!

PS: Happy Cosmonautics Day! ?

Winter of Quality 2025
Layered Animation Workshop 2024
The Future of Overrides
This Summer’s Sculpt Mode Refactor

  1. Thanks for posting the article, it’s really helpful.

  2. Brasileiro Nato. deste 2010 usando blender, Melhora a gamer engine pra suporte web e android

  3. For god’s sake never integrate that Haxe requirement for Blender 2.8x that is used b Armory3D. Please keep like it is without adding more language dependence, C, C++ and Python is best combination.

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  5. I love the Maya 6 handbook holding the monitor.

  6. Pretty exciting to see you guys working hard to bring the best tools possible in this new office I wish one day to visit or even work there will be awesome

  7. good luck and have fun!

  8. Thanks developers for hard work. Your works help me and many other people a lot!

  9. Good luck with developing! Can’t wait to see how Blender grows more and more.

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