Blender 2.8 Code Quest + Live Q&A

Yesterday the Blender Foundation announced the “Blender 2.8 Code Quest”, a crowd-funded event to gather the core developers to release the first version of the much anticipated Blender 2.8. It will be the first time that such a large development team will be working in one place. The crowd-funded goal is to get at least 10 contributors together for a period of 3 months, in the Blender Institute, Amsterdam, starting in April 2018.

More information on how to get involved and support the Code Quest is available on Blender 2.8 Code Quest —

Livestream Q&A with Ton Roosendaal

In order to be as transparent and clear as possible about the status and the scope of this project, Blender Institute has organised a live stream with Ton Roosendaal and Pablo Vazquez, during which it will be possible to interact in real time and get pretty much any question answered. Make sure you catch the event live on YouTube!

We are very happy to see great support both from industry sponsors (to be announced soon) and from the community, who is funding the project via Blender Foundation Development Fund subscriptions and by purchasing the Blender USB Rocket.

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  1. Too good for my sac

  2. This is to good

  3. descargar blender

  4. Hi there do we get an obtion to select elements in one object, like in 3DS Max? The only option im missing and which is so usefull in so many ways.

    • What do you mean by “select elements in one object”? All vertices, edges, faces? Check out the “Select” menu in the header, it has all kinds of ways to select objects and also mesh data.

  5. Windows 8 could not open V2.79
    Want to use it in Information Visualization Course at the DeTao Institute in Shanghai

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