Code Quest: GO!

It took only 4 days to hit the 1000 rockets target for the Code Quest crowdfunding. Congratulations to the Blender community for showing such fantastic support!

Now that the target is hit: Code Quest is GO! The first accommodations are being arranged and flights booked. In less than 8 weeks the Code Quest will be a reality.

Code Quest Counter

But the mission does not stop here. Get Blender 2.8 to the Moon with the new stretch goal. By selling 2500 rockets, we will be able to add 2 more seats to the the Code Quest and possibly extend the stay of one or more developers after the quest is finished.


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One comment
  1. I have been using blender for a couple of months now i really like the layout and all when i first started i was like what is that were does this go what does that do. But i watched tutorials to teach how to use blender and get used to the blender layout and were that goes what does that do what happens if i connect this to that it was a though adventure for me.Now when blender 2.8 comes it is going to be epic and more easy to use hopefully i don’t have to go around looking for tutorials on YOUTUBE to teach me how to use blender 2.8. by the way i’m only 13. i’m a 13 year old guy who knows how to use lua scripting language and make models in blender.

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