Blender 2.8 Workflow Workshop Video

Here is a little video documentary of the Blender 2.8 Workflow Workshop that took place in Amsterdam between 25 and 27 November 2016.

It’s great to see that after a few months since that meeting Blender 2.8 development is picking up quite some speed!

Winter of Quality 2025
Layered Animation Workshop 2024
The Future of Overrides
This Summer’s Sculpt Mode Refactor

  1. I solute you guys for yours dedication and time in making Blender a better big tool

  2. I repent and I am sorry for my crazy comments. What I want to do is be fully serious for the Industry. I salute to you Matthew 6:25-35 about don’t be worrying about anything and Psalm 29 the voice of the Lord.I repent and I am sorry for acting strange I was crazy ill that year.
    All I want is my art to be a masterpiece for everyone to enjoy that’s all I want.


    • You can delete the comment I was feel crazy ill that day. I am terribly sorry, I feel like jump of a cliff for saying that. I was ill that day. I very sorry.


    • You can delete the comment I was feel crazy ill that day. I am terribly sorry, I feel like jump of a cliff for saying that. I was ill that day. I very sorry.

  4. Hi there, i just wanted to tell you something that might help rendering processing “a lot” faster. You know when you render a screen in 3D view, the rendering process takes five times as less than the one on the Image editor when you go to render it. what you could probably do is have the computer render the scene in 3D view, and then take a screen shot of it and put it into the animation/image it is going into. It would be very nice and animations can be popping up everywhere. Heck, no one would half to wait for the rendering posses to be done. But i would subject that you should put this kind of rendering in a button so if people want a better graphics, they can turn it of and use the basics. Neat idea right?

  5. photometric lights please like in autodesk 3ds max (kelvin scaled lights) and third party render support:
    – nvidea mental ray
    – nvidea iray
    – vray

  6. I don’t know where to leave my comment related to actually using the build release, so I guess I’ll leave it here, maybe someone can redirect me somewhere where it will be more helpful to the developers.

    I have used I love blender exactly how it is – as far as UIs go. In fact, when I looked at the test build I was very disappointed to see that the mode switch button (edit mode, object mode, etc) is now at the top of the screen, which is very confusing. Everything is all moved around. It is so moved around that I can’t even find the button to change the view from final result preview to just solid object view. My computer can’t handle having to render lighting and material and texture in real time. That is insane – if you’re trying to just edit the mesh, you’re going to REALLY struggle. Also, I am sure it is a bug that will be fixed for the actual stable release, but when I try to go to edit mode the whole program crashes.

    So now for the things I love so far! I love the new principled BSDF. It is the best idea ever. I feel like I can comfortably add shading properties to objects without having to do a ridiculous amount of node work finally. The last thing: I love how you can now add custom work spaces. At first I was confused when I saw it, and then I had a little freak out on the spot when I realized how great it was.

    So anyways, that’s everything. Positives and negatives. I’m just posting this to try and help keep blender great, because I’ve been using it for 2-3 years now and it really is an amazing program. I can’t believe its free, and it should always remain free and perfect and amazing.

    • @Jack Egelston
      I’ll agree and disagree with you. I have struggled hard with the way Blender’s UI is organized. It seems in so many instances scattered and random to me. I have a very hard time naturally discovering where tools and functions live and usually have to do a Google search to figure out where to find things in Blender that are easy to find in other packages just by clicking around and exploring.

      But I couldn’t agree more with you on the Edit Mode switching UI. Moving that from the 3D View header (where it actually made sense) the the Info header is a puzzling move to say the least.

      My dream scenario would be that Blender makes modifying and reorganizing all editor UIs possible without having to change the python scripts that define them. That way I could populate the header, for example, with the buttons, menus and dropdowns that make sense to me. I could then save this to my template file and share it with other people if I wanted to.

      Other than that the 2.8 build just seemed to run really slow on my machine. And the 3DS Max interaction mode for viewport navigation is totally incorrect. But the new manipulator is great!!! So glad to see the planar constraint handles in there!

  7. I think, blender 2.80 should have a own tab for Python.
    Where the Python inserts where written in, when the mouse is on a Icon.
    Par example, when the mouse is on help, the help windows, witchs open automaticly, should not have the content of: Python: INFO_MT_help. Instead, this text should stand in a area of the new Python tab.
    Currently, the word “Python:” is displayed on every help Windows, and gray.
    This confuse me , when I want to read the content of the help.

  8. Looking forward to seeing the full release of 2.8 and trumpeting it’s virtues fron the rooftops. Many times ive considered moving to modo but blender has made the switch unnecessary! So thanks!

  9. So it’s still going to take a while to lace blender 2.80 plus tell them you’ll get the blender game engine on 2.80 please say NO!

    If a word is wrong, I’m sorry, my English is not very Brazilian.

  10. With Larry Gritz finally moving OSL to a modern LLVM Stack I hope Blender follows suit and drops LLVM 3.4 from the script pull for the likes of Debian and other Linux distributions.

    This conversation to LLVM > 3.9 has been long overdue.

    Please make this a baseline [preferably LLVM 4.0.x] as it cleans up a lot of issues with OpenCL and Mesa to boot.

    Currently, it makes building nightlies for my own configuration on Debian a waste of time.

  11. Could you think about something like containers, that works like solid groups of objects ( every part of this container cannot be single selected and edited until we go to container edit mode… and then to edit mode of every object that is a part of container ). It would be very useful for complex objects, when all its parts should act as single objects ( whit own modifiers ), but cannot be edited or single selected without going to container edit mode. current Group has serious disadvantage – you can select every single element of group. Let’s leave it as it is and make object containers. :)

    • Being able to better utilize modifiers on a per face selection basis would be amazing but I also think it would be incredibly useful to bundle almost all Edit Mode actions like “Inset, Select by trait, Select random, Extrude, Inset, Split” as they are happening in order and write them out into a “custom” modifier where you can change the properties of each of those.

      So for example – you generate a large residential building with this action stack and you want to have fewer windows and less frame width of the windows.

      In order to do that, you decrease the inset amount of the first action you’ve made and then you decrease the percentage of the “Select Random” from maybe like 30% to just 6% of faces.

      I am only wondering how hard would something like this be to implement? I know the problem is when you try to determine which faces of the whole are affected by the individual actions. It should be just as if you were recording all the things you’ve done since the beginning BUT you can change the settings of all actions you chose through this entire recording in the end. Together with selecting and deselecting, inset amounts, everything. I found Shift+G to be pretty good at selecting all the stuff I need without clicking on the individual faces.

      Reason I want this is to have a very fast, reusable workflow to do all kinds of stuff. From Building generation to just saving presets of stuff I do all the time with meshes. Like: Select all, Remove doubles, Convert Triangles to Quads, Unify Normals, Shade Smooth, set Autosmooth to 30, Delete custom split normals data.

  12. Hello, thanks for the good sofware.

    I don’t know where to put this comment, so I will comment here.

    I think blender must have a better cloth making module (maybe as Marvelous Designes software). Right now th cloth simulation is not so good. When making a clothing with sewing force, I think the first thing it should do is te sewing before applying the other forces. It’s very difficult to create decent clothing with th cloth simulation.

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