New Development Infrastructure

Today Blender development is moving to a new platform, hosted on The move has been announced and documented in several articles and documents, so here we will focus on the expected results of the move. is the new platform for bug reporting, task management and code review.

  • Bug reports and design tasks have been migrated to This includes task status, priority, labels and subscribers.
  • User accounts have been migrated to Blender ID. If you had a Blender ID account, the username is now set to the one from the profile there. If you did not, a new Blender ID account was created. Please contact Blender ID support in case of any problems, or reach out through the dedicated chat channel.
  • Code reviews and pastes have not been migrated but archived. Pending code reviews need to be resubmitted as pull requests.
  • Workboards and project descriptions will be manually recreated by the modules.

New URLs

The Git repositories have changed location. If you have an existing Blender checkout, point to the new location as follows:

git remote set-url origin
git fetch origin main
git submodule sync

The development branch is now named main instead of master. To get the latest changes, switch as follows:

git checkout main
make update

For developers:

The website is now archived.

  • Code reviews and pastes will remain permanently available as static web pages at the same location as before.
  • Tasks links are redirected to A static archive of tasks is also available on
  • The website will remain available as read-only for a few weeks to help in migration, in particular for workboards.

Given the scope of the migration, some data might not have been correctly migrated. If you see an issue, please report it in the comments below.

Congratulations to the migration task force: Arnd, Brecht, Danny, Sergey, and Sybren, with support from Dalai, Thomas, Pablo, and Philipp.

Special thanks to the Gitea project and all the developers community!

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Winter of Quality 2025
Layered Animation Workshop 2024
The Future of Overrides
This Summer’s Sculpt Mode Refactor

  1. I’m no developer, merely an artist and a humble contributor in the realm of UI translation in different languages. And this move was quite confusing. For one because it crept right under my admittedly poor radar. My SVN’s sudden refusals to accept my credentials and commit changes to the repository took me by surprise.
    Has anyone already come up with step-by-step instructions for what the translators should do and how to proceed with submitting/committing new translations? And by that I mean a version that a non developer can comprehend and follow? Finding a suitable guide for SVN when I just started out was difficult enough, now this has me scratching my head all over again.
    Can anyone help?

  2. Blender made by you on ?
    It’s a pity that on there is no possibility to send links to
    right-click select blender ideas for which the blender developers would consider implementation.

  3. A few issues I have found so far:

    I prefer to use the Gitea theme which is light as I prefer it over dark themes, but this leaves the page looking un-styled.

    There is also an area in the bottom right hand corner of the page which contains what looks like a blank version of the Gitea repository page, with functioning tabs and buttons, but no content (I would attach an image if there was a way).

    On the mobile version of the site the repository page is still dark despite having selected the Gitea theme and the only way I’ve found a link to sign in was to try and create a new issue. Once I get to the sign-in page the proper white theme is used.

    The favicon for the website, a white version of the blender logo, is virtually invisible if you are using a light theme for your web browser.

    • I also see that the labels for issues were probably only coloured with the dark theme in mind as they look very dull on the light Gitea theme.

  4. Congrates! Look forward to the new bug ticket opening experience :)

  5. Hey All and congrats on the migration! That’s a Big Deal!

  6. Thanks for all your hard work!

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